domingo, 4 de octubre de 2009

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009

My Blogging Experience

The blogging experience in the english class, it has been very complicated for my, because is a mixture between two things that they are not like too much, but i have to do. For this im not enjoyed this expiererience however it has served me for to learn english. Really it has served me very much.

Also the blogging experience has served me because before of this expierence, I did not know much about the blogs in generally.

In first point, related to the advanteges that has the blogging experience, in my opinion they are the following ones. One positive aspect about the blogging experience, is the posibility for to lear to do a blog, this was very important for my. Another positive aspect of it is the oportunity for to practic individually the english.

In second point, related to the disadvantages that has the blogging experience, personally, i believe that it has some. One negative aspect about the blogging experience, it relates with the blogs, because i didn't know how they were working, this because in an occasion i closed my blog, but i had not saved the text and this one was eliminated automatic; but thanks to the help of someone that she knew since the blogs work, i could rescue the information. Another negative aspect of the blogging experience is that in the room of computation the computers are very slow and specially the old computers.

In relation to the topics, the topic that i like the most was the that i wrote about the page of internet related whit my career, where i wrote of terrorismo audiovisual, which is a site (is a blog-site), where there are audio-visual documentaries related whit the society and the sociology.

In conclusion i would like to give a suggestion for that this activity. It would be ideal that the schedule of the laboratory was more earlier, this.

miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009

My ideal job

My ideal job, is to be a soccer placer, because i like a lot soccer, i see soccer on TV, i play soccer on my pc; i organized matches with my friends, i’m totally a fanatic of this sport.

Since when i was child, i always dreamed to be a part of a great soccer team, this passion is not for me the money, is for confront players around world, to know new techniques and new countries. To be a soccer player you need an excellent physical condition and some skills to dominate the football, you must have precision, strong.

And have in mind that you are part of a team, you are working together with other players, i mean have team spirit

I think i’m really good for this job because when i was 13 i had the opportunity to train in the soccer school university of chile for three years, then i participated in the soccer teams of my school and in my community too, inclusive now, i’m part of the soccer team of my university.

There are to many difficult thing to have a job like this, because to be a player you must star an early age, you must have a long training with someone that can support you about your progress, some kind like a manager that to promote you in the world of soccer, the other problem is because we are in chile, in this country are not too much space for the real talents, but I still wondering, one day i’m going to play for u. of chile and then grow in an European soccer team like Barcelona.

My favorite subject

The subject that i like a lot is the social history of Chile. The professor of this subject is Gabriel Salazar is a recognized Chilean historian, inclusive he received the national prize of history. I like this subject because shows the history in other point of view, is not like when i was at school, there always listened the same history in the same way that all we know, but in the class of social history of Chile, gave me another point of view of the history. It is see it from a point of view of the different social actors of the Chilean society and over all the thing by the popular society. I had to learnt to see the history in other way that i‘m not use to do, but that is the thing that makes of this subject great for me, it left behind all that I learnt in the school, it’s like when you find the truth, the real thing explained in other way, in a way that not too much people know.
This is why a like this subject, it reveals a lot things of the unknown parts of the history.

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009

Do Schools Kill Creativity

The creativity can be taken from a multiplies point of view, i think that sir ken says is true, schools always are trying to put us in the same educational system, but when a talent appears, the all attention is focused on that person, and others are left behind, it supposed to be we are all the same?. That the way creativity is killed, all of us have a talent, all of us, have creativity for something, the bad news are not every body use that talent, because the system don‘t give the enough motivation. For example: in the school, there is always someone that is the genius of the class, and all attention, all the benefits are for him or her first, leaving the other ones without chances to be better. If we want a better world for the future, let’s start to change the way that we think, in the actual way, the evolution is going to be far than we think.

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

My future

In 5 more years, first of all, finish my career and study other career, a career about sports, it could be technical director or something in the sports area, then finish it and get a job to start to save money for my first department and had my independent life. When i get enough money, for my vacation i pretend to travel a lot, i want to know my country, my culture with my wife, i want to travel first to the north of chile and there star to travel until the south inclusive antartica, If I have more money that i expected, i will travel to other Latin-American countries like Peru, Argentina, Brasil and Uruguay, I want to go to countries of Europe Spain, Germany and England like a globetrotter. Then when we back home save some money for a time to left my department and buy a big house with all comforts .