miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009

My favorite subject

The subject that i like a lot is the social history of Chile. The professor of this subject is Gabriel Salazar is a recognized Chilean historian, inclusive he received the national prize of history. I like this subject because shows the history in other point of view, is not like when i was at school, there always listened the same history in the same way that all we know, but in the class of social history of Chile, gave me another point of view of the history. It is see it from a point of view of the different social actors of the Chilean society and over all the thing by the popular society. I had to learnt to see the history in other way that i‘m not use to do, but that is the thing that makes of this subject great for me, it left behind all that I learnt in the school, it’s like when you find the truth, the real thing explained in other way, in a way that not too much people know.
This is why a like this subject, it reveals a lot things of the unknown parts of the history.

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