miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009

My ideal job

My ideal job, is to be a soccer placer, because i like a lot soccer, i see soccer on TV, i play soccer on my pc; i organized matches with my friends, i’m totally a fanatic of this sport.

Since when i was child, i always dreamed to be a part of a great soccer team, this passion is not for me the money, is for confront players around world, to know new techniques and new countries. To be a soccer player you need an excellent physical condition and some skills to dominate the football, you must have precision, strong.

And have in mind that you are part of a team, you are working together with other players, i mean have team spirit

I think i’m really good for this job because when i was 13 i had the opportunity to train in the soccer school university of chile for three years, then i participated in the soccer teams of my school and in my community too, inclusive now, i’m part of the soccer team of my university.

There are to many difficult thing to have a job like this, because to be a player you must star an early age, you must have a long training with someone that can support you about your progress, some kind like a manager that to promote you in the world of soccer, the other problem is because we are in chile, in this country are not too much space for the real talents, but I still wondering, one day i’m going to play for u. of chile and then grow in an European soccer team like Barcelona.

1 comentario:

  1. Gustavo,
    This really sounds like a dream job, and there’s no harm in dreaming. Honestly I detest soccer (I don’t mean playing soccer, but watching and talking about it), but I agree that there’s no accounting for taste (sobre gustos no hay nada escrito).
    Anyway, I see you’re not the kind of person who says “I love soccer”, but never plays it and just watches matches on TV (they call them couch potatoes). Any kind of exercise is good for you, and so is team work, as you pointed out.
    Please check the corrected version of your post.

    My ideal job, is to be a soccer placer,because (WORD ORDER: I LIKE SOCCER A LOT), i see soccer on TV, i play soccer on my pc; i HAVE organized matches with my friends, i’m a REAL fanatic of this sport.
    Since THE DAYS when i was A child, i HAVE always dreamed to be (-) part of a great soccer team, this passion is not for (-) the money, IT is for THE SAKE OF confrontING players around world, SO AS to know new techniques and new countries. To be a soccer player you need an excellent physical condition and some skills to dominate the football, you must have precision, strENGTH, and have in mind that you are part of a team, THATyou are working together with other players, i mean, have team spirit
    I think i’m really good for this job because when i was 13 i had the opportunity to train in the (WORD ORDER:university of Chile soccer school) for three years, then i participated in the soccer teams of my school and in my community, too, AND now, i’m EVEN part of the soccer team of my university.
    There are toO many difficult thingS to have a job like this, because to be a player you must starT AT an early age, you must have a long training with someone that can support you about your progress, some kind OF manager (-) to promote you in the world of soccer, the other problem is THAT we are in chile, AND in this country THERE IS not too much ROOM for the real talents, but I still DAYDREAM OF(-), PLAYING one day for u. of chile and then BELONG in an European soccer team like Barcelona.
    My ideal job, is to be a soccer placer,because i like a lot soccer, i see soccer on TV, i play soccer on my pc; i organized matches with my friends, i’m totally a fanatic of this sport.
    Since when i was child, i always dreamed to be a part of a great soccer team, this passion is not for me the money, is for confront players around world, to know new techniques and new countries. To be a soccer player you need an excellent physical condition and some skills to dominate the football, you must have precision, strong.
    And have in mind that you are part of a team, you are working together with other players, i mean have team spirit
    I think i’m really good for this job because when i was 13 i had the opportunity to train in the soccer school university of chile for three years, then i participated in the soccer teams of my school and in my community too, inclusive now, i’m part of the soccer team of my university.
    There are to many difficult thing to have a job like this, because to be a player you must star an early age, you must have a long training with someone that can support you about your progress, some kind like a manager that to promote you in the world of soccer, the other problem is because we are in chile, in this country are not too much space for the real talents, but I still wondering, one day i’m going to play for u. of chile and then grow in an European soccer team like Barcelona.
