miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

Terrorismo audiovisual

Terrorismo audiovisual is a site, particularly is a blog-site, where you can get information about the important problematics of the society, but wich are in documentary format. Besides you can download many documentarys of this page, for example "The Zeitgeist: open your eyes", this documentary talk about the religion, the political system and economic system, like intruments of social domination; "Walmart: The high cost of the low prices", this documentary presents the problematic of the work explotation behind of the a big transnational company; "Loose change", this documentary show the terroris attack to Wall Street Center in september of 2001, but with a deep analysis of the facts.
Particularly i arrived to Terrorismo Audiovisual accidentally, browse in internet searching the documentary "The Zeitgeist: Adendum - The revolution is now".
I like this site because have a very interesting documentary, witch i can see at any time. Besides i can download anymore documentary of the page Terrorismo Audiovisual, where also i can To leave my opinion in the diferents spaces for this.

1 comentario:

    your post is Okey, but you need to be more careful with tenses and prepositions. Obviously you should attend classes more often. Please, study the notes below.
    Terrorismo audiovisual is a site, particularly (SUBJECT) is a blog-site, where you can get information about the important problematics of (_) society, but wich are in documentary format. Besides you can download many documentarIEs FROM this page, for example "The Zeitgeist: open your eyes", this documentary (talk: TENSE: PRESENT, 3rd P. SING.) about (the religion: SEE (a) BELOW), the political system and economic system, like intruments of social domination; "Walmart: The high cost of the low prices", this documentary presents the problematic of the work explotation behind (of: UNNECESSARY) (the: UNNECESSARY) a big transnational company; "Loose change", this documentary (show: TENSE: PRESENT, 3rd P. SING.) the terroris attack to Wall Street Center in september of 2001, but with a deep analysis of the facts.
    Particularly i arrived (to: SEE (b) BELOW) Terrorismo Audiovisual accidentally/ BY CHANCE, (browse: TENSE) ON THE internet, searching the documentary "The Zeitgeist: Adendum - The revolution is now".
    I like this site because ( have: SUBJECT MISSING + WRONG TENSE) a very interesting documentary, wHICH i can see at any time. Besides i can download (anymore: ANY) documentary FROM the page Terrorismo Audiovisual, where (also i can: WORD ORDER) (To: UNNECESSARY: SEE (c) BELOW) leave my opinion in the (diferents: ADJECTIVES NEVER ADD ‘S’: SEE (d) BELOW) spaces for this.

    a) Don’t use ‘the’ to talk about something in general. Compare:
    • I like dogs ( all dogs, no dog in particular) / What’s wrong with the dogs? They are barking too much. (some dogs in particular, some specific dogs)
    • They study psychology / They´re studying the psychology of poverty
    b) arrive at / get to
    c) Use the base form of verbs (go / see / be /etc) after: Can, could, must, will, would, shall, should, may, might, etc. Ex We can do it, I shouldn’t smoke, She could help you, etc.
    d) Adjectives never change, so they never add “s”. Ex. A boring film / many boring films
